When it comes to sleep, there are night owls and early birds? Left to their own devices, night owls tend to fall asleep between midnight and 4 a.m. then wake around 10 a.m. to...
It’s not uncommon to hear people talking about the health consequences of processed foods nowadays. When we hear “processed foods” the things that come to mind usually include...
Preparing a variety of healthy foods just got easier Even with a busy schedule, many of us strive to eat healthy meals at home and on the go rather than hitting the drive-thru...
You might be one of those folks who feels that regular workouts or an exercise program is something that will fit into your life later—like when you win the lottery and have tons...
Our bodies need protein in order to repair and build cells, and meat and dairy products are common sources in our diet. But if you are transitioning to a vegetarian or vegan diet...
Are you a professional voice user? Before you say no, take a minute and think about it. “Most people think about professional vocalists being singers, performers or newscasters,”...
Do you want to: Avoid weight gain? Rev-up your metabolism? Optimize your energy? Improve you mood? Curb cravings later in the day? Studies show that one of the best ways to...
Love him or hate him, but there’s one thing most of us can agree on about quarterback Tom Brady: The guy is really disciplined about his diet. Brady has often talked about how an...
You or someone you know have probably heard the term “intermittent fasting” in the past few months, one of the latest health and fitness trends taking the world by storm. So, what...
Have you ever focused on—like, really focused on—your eye health? The truth is, most of us don’t. But it takes only a few small steps to keep our eyes safe and healthy year-round...