Eating healthy starts at home. It’s a fact that just by cutting out restaurant or fast food meals, you can start seeing a slimmer waistline. But, that’s only if you have a kitchen...
The human body is a seemingly never-ending maze of complicated processes. No one knows everything there is to know about how we work, and more often than not only those who go...
Colorectal cancer remains the second most deadly cancer in the U.S., behind lung cancer, responsible for nearly 50,000 deaths each year. When it comes to protecting your colon, a...
If you’re overweight or have diabetes, sugar substitutes can sound like a great way to literally have your cake and eat it too. “That’s often the assumption,” said Andy Yurechko...
Planning a steaming bowl of pasta Alfredo for dinner, followed by your mom’s famous gooey chocolate chip cookies for dessert? But wait. “In the right portions, you can...
We all know vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals that are important for a balanced diet and a healthy body, but sometimes it’s still a struggle to eat enough (the average...
An ancient brew for modern times Continue Reading Krazy for Kombucha: Probiotic super-brew
Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day to cross off everything on your to-do list. With work and social engagements, you’ve got so much on your plate that you barely...
We all know the rules: To get healthy, we should eat better, exercise, drink more water and get plenty of sleep. But guess what? Sometimes rules are made to be broken. “Most...
According to the latest guidelines, Americans should exercise at least 150 minutes per week; should follow a healthy eating pattern, filling up on fruits, vegetables, protein...