Are you your home’s “chief medical officer”? If you’re a woman, your answer is probably yes. Women don’t just make 80% of the purchasing decisions at home; they also make up about...
For advanced nurse practitioner Tranika Brown, DNP, FNP, an average day at the Augusta University College of Nursing’s Nurse-Managed Health Center could look like this. First up...
When we’re stressed out, our adrenal glands are there to help. But that’s not all they do. The tiny glands—each barely larger than a stick of gum—secrete the hormone adrenaline...
Last year, nearly 40 million Americans say they had a manicure anywhere from two to four times within a six-month period. That’s a lot of nail polish. And—as it turns out—a lot of...
Although we think of acne as kid stuff – an annoyance that vanishes along with bad trends and awkward proms – for some, pimples persevere well into adulthood. And for...
In 2006, infants in the United States started getting the hepatitis A vaccine. So why should anyone worry about hepatitis A today? “If you’ve gotten the vaccine, there is no...
Just over 1 million people in the United States are living with HIV today—having successful careers, getting married, raising families. Life with HIV is almost like life with any...
Do not be tempted to indulge in a quick-fix eating plan. When on a mission to lose weight, achieving your goal the fastest way possible may seem like the best way to go...
If you’ve ever made an impulse trip to the store for a sweet or salty snack, you know just how powerful food cravings can be. Luckily, curbing your hankerings for high-calorie...
Guess what? You could have a deviated septum and not even know it. “Sometimes you just get used to it; other times, you don’t know any differently,” said Dr. Camilo Reyes-Gelves...