On the list of the top 10 things to do on your day off, a colonoscopy sure isn’t one of them. If you’re 50 or older, guidelines recommend that you get a colonoscopy every 10 years...
Dr. Shaheen Islam, Division Director of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at Augusta University Health, makes his living caring for people’s lung-related disorders. So a...
It’s a golf tournament with a name that shows how much fun golfers will have playing and how much fun the committee has planning it. “Everyone likes to support a good cause,” said...
Retirement can mean many things for many people. For some, it’s a chance to travel the world. For others, it’s a chance to finish all those “To Do” projects that would be...
If a simple test could help save your life, would you take it? Since the late 1960s, Pap smears have been instrumental in reducing the rate of cervical cancer. Today, these tests...
Cervical cancer was once one of the most common causes of cancer death for American women. Today, the number of deaths from cervical cancer has declined, mainly due to the...
Would you be surprised to learn that almost 79 million people in the United States live with HPV? And most of the time they don’t even know it? HPV, or human papillomavirus, is a...
Remission, no evidence of disease, a clean scan, all signs that a cancer patient is ready to turn the page on what may be the toughest chapter in their life. Learning to face life...
Growing up in Augusta and the passion she has for her hometown are two big reasons why Ann Boardman believes in the mission and the need for the Georgia Cancer Center. “I think...
Augusta University Health brings exciting new treatments to the local community. Continue Reading Clinical trials at work for your health